Chris Lally, ESN UK Education Officer, writes about “Talking Europe” - a New Europeans project developed in six British cities.
Striking a long-lasting friendship with a local British student straight away may prove to be difficult for an Erasmus+ student arriving in the UK. But ESN Southampton seems to hold the key to solve this.
Today is the day ESN celebrates a quarter of a century of success in turning the Erasmus+ experience of many students into an unforgettable time of their lives. Here you have a letter from an Erasmus+ student thanking everyone for their amazing job.
The University of East Anglia organised this year's NBM during the 3th and 5th of October. The event meant bringing ESN members together from all over Europe and giving them a chance to exchange ideas and make new friends!
ESN UK attended the 'Citizenship and the Future of Europe' conference held on the 4th of September at the University of Sussex. Read more about it here!
ESN UK held its 12th National Platform and 1st UK Training event last month in the city of Southampton. Discover more about the voting results and the training sessions that the participants attended!
