1 Start 2 Complete
Please provide full name, relationship, and contact number including country code.
Which ESN section are you coming from? If none from this list, please select 'other'.
Which ticket type are you purchasing? Note: for ticket types including transport, the locations given will be the pick-up and drop-off points for the included travel.
Please select a preference for a social activity. You will still be able to take part in all three - this just helps us assign your group for the trip!
Participants will be accommodated in dorm rooms in hostels. Please state preference between all female, all male, mixed, or no preference for your room.
Please use this space to inform us if you are buying tickets with someone else, and would like to be in the same dorm/group with them. We will do our best to accommodate this but it cannot be guaranteed.
Found at https://esn.org/sites/default/files/code_of_conduct.pdf
I understand that participation in trip activities could involve risk of physical injury, illness, death or property loss, and despite safety precautions, the organisers cannot guarantee the safety thereof, as all risks cannot be prevented. ESN UK does not provide health and accident insurance for trip participants, and I understand that any medical expenses, property loss, or other personal expenditures that result during or from this travel/trip are to be borne by myself as the participant. I also hereby consent, give authorisation to, and release from liability; trip leaders to secure any emergency medical treatment in the event I am unable to, and I agree to be responsible for the costs thereof. I acknowledge that I will not seek to have ESN UK held liable in the event that any accident, injury, loss of property or any other circumstance or incident occurs during or as a result of my participation in the trip. This release of liability includes accident, injury, loss, or damages to myself, as well as to other individuals or property which may result from my participation in the event. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless ESN and its members from any claims arising out of my participation in the trip. I understand that this trip is non-refundable, but I may transfer my spot by name change until 1st November 2024.